Sunday, December 21, 2008

Chapter 6


1. Robert Townsend had joined Woodhull and Washington to help work together.
2. Townsend was not wasting any time, he was only focused on making plans.
3. Enemies had fled and Clinton and his army have to go capture them back to fight.
4. During the fight, Stony Point had fallen. 15 men died, 83 wounded, and 553 were captured to jail or been killed.
5. Woodhull carried messages from one general to another making sure they all understand the plan.

4 Questions

1. Where is Stony Point located?
2. Was Stony Point the first place to be attacked by enemies?
3. Why was Woodhull's family suddenly mentioned?
4. "..."335"_ decoded as "lady"..." does that mean there are 335 women?

3 Vocabulary

1. Dissuade - urge against
2. Subsidiary - serving to assist
3. Inclination - a disposition or bent

2 Literary Terms

- "This mysterious "335"_ decoded as "lady"...." - Irony - Women were mentioned
- "The British...were not stopping and searching..." - Foreshadow - The British will come up with some kind of a plan

1 Overview

This chapter is about what was happening and Americans and British were finally at war attacking each other.

Chapter 5

5 Comment

1. Woodhull's plan to place a man in New York had failed.
2. In Spring of 1779, Woodhull gathered more amounts of intellegence.
3. General Clinton moved to work on the east side at Long Island.
4. Washington was getting annoyed by all the failures.
5. Due to failure of plans, Washington became very picky with which spies to want.

4 Questions

1. What made Woodull's plan fail?
2. Why did they want to put a man in New York?
3. Was Washington afraid of Woodull betraying them?
4. Will Woodhull betray Washington?

3 Vocabulary

1. Innocuous - harmless
2. Conveyance - communication
3. Acquisition - gaining possesion

2 Literary Terms

- "...Woodhull's failure to put a man in New York..." - Irony
- "...fear of betrayal..." - Irony

1 Overview

Woodhull's plan had failed and Washington is getting annoyed so they are trying to start a new plan and they need to gather more spies.

Chapter 4


1. Winter is the most quiet season, and summer is most cilvilized.
2. Woodhull moved to Amos Underhill's house to do most of the spying.
3. Intellegence of privateer-building activity was going to be in some anxiety.
4. Americans bought 3,100 vessals from merchants to fight against the British.
5. Woodhull wrote to Washington a full 7 pages report about what was happening and will be returning.

4 Questions

1. Is 3,100 vessals really enough agaisnt the British?
2. How come so far in the book, there isn't any names of women mentioned?
3. Were all spies men back then?
4. Was there even any women living in the American colonies?

3 Vocabulary

1. Regiments - military ground troops
2. Reluctance - unwillingness
3. Countenance - calm facial expression

2 Literary Terms

- "....bought in 3,100 merchant vessals..." - Foreshadow - They ready to go agains the British.
- "...Roe bought it from Woodhull..." - Irony - He should be spying and not selling things.

1 Overview

The Americans were getting all the supplies they need to get ready.