Saturday, February 7, 2009

Spook: Chapter 3


1. Blue Hill Avenue belongs to T.K. Jones, a wealthy merchant in China trade.
2. The home was later bought by Charlie Cullis who turned it into a Consumptive's House.
3. Macdougall was literally eager waiting for people to die to weigh their soul.
4. Culprits are called "insensible loss".
5. Ducan Macdougal went to medical school.

4 Questions:

1. Why is Blue Hill Avenue in Dorchestor a good place to die?
2. Does Macdougal like experimenting with weighing souls?
3. What happens when a man (or leech, or mouse) dies on a scale?
4. Point Seven Ounces is a movie about what?

3 Vocabulary:

1. Porticoed - a porch or walkway supported by columns
2. Nutter - a person who gathers nuts
3. Sanitariums - an institution for the preservation or recovery of health

2 Literary Term:

1. "Nahum is like the discombobulated animals" [ simile]
2. "The mansion on Blue Hill Avenue" [imagery]

1 Overview:

This chapter is about Macdougal experimenting with soul weighing.

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