Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bel Canto. 3


1. All women hostages were released except for one.
2. Mr. Hosokawa became one of the hostages.
3. The one women that did not leave was Roxanne Coss, she did not leave because she was looking back on a man, and that man was Mr. Hosokawa.
4. The hostages can be traded for money so the hostages would be able to go free.
5. Mr. Hosokawa gotr furious when he walked outside and someone said in Swedish that Roxanne Coss was not outside.

4 Questions:

1. How or why did Mr. Hosokawa became a hostage?
2. Did he become a hostage because he wants to be with Roxanne Coss?
3. What did General Alfred mean when he said "don't shoot her accidently"? Was Roxanne about to be shot?
4. Why are there tourist when people are being held hostages in Japan?

3 Vocabulary:

1. Extravagant - spending much time than neccessary
2. Vestments - ceremonial robe
3. Insulin - a polypeptide hormone, produced by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, that regulates the metabolism of glucose and other nutrients

2 Literary Terms:

1. "...chalk-white ear..." [Imagery pg. 78]
2. "...his fine blond hair..." [Imagery pg. 79]

1 Overview:

This chapter is about Mr. Hosokawa becoming a hostage and things kind of went wrong when he was let free and found out that the people had hid Roxanne Coss somewhere else when she is suppose to be outside waiting by the wall.

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