Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Think Big 1.


1. Ben Carson had just moved back to Detroit from Boston for 5th grade and received his report card at his new school.
2. Everyone in his class thought he was the dumbest kid in the class.
3. His mom was not happy to see his report card because his grades were not good but he told his mom that report cards doesn't matter because he did not like school and he thought there was no reason to like school.
4. His mom told him that education does matter because she told Ben that it is the only way to escape from poverty and to be successful.
5. His mom his a single mother raising Ben and his older brother Curtis. His mom knows how important education is because the highest education she got was 3rd grade education.

4 Questions:
1. Why did Ben had to move back to Detroit from Boston?
2. Why was it that his mother's highest education was 3rd grade education?
3. What are parochial schools?
4. Was Ben only made fun of by his classmates in Higgins Elementary School or back in Boston too?

3 Vocabulary:

1. Parochial
2. Reluctantly
3. Practical

2 Literary Terms:


1 Overview:

Ben had just received his report card and his mom took a look at it and was disappointed about the grades that he got and she explain to Ben how important school should be to him, and his mom often talks about importance of education but he never took it into consideration until he went to the library with his brother Curtis and his mom and when he started reading books about animals he liked, he felt smarter.

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