Monday, October 13, 2008

Chapter 2

5 Comment
1. In 1918, all dynasties of China had ended because the last Qing emperor had been deposed.
2. World War I happened not long after the end of the Qing dynasty, there were already soldier in Tianjin, China where Adeline lived.
3. British and Japanese money were pouring into China when the first world war ended.
4. School was kind of important because they all wanted to improve their English, but family aslo matters and thats why Father didn't go to a university.
5. Father had so much faith in his son's company he invested his entire life saving on his company and he had 200,000 taels of silver which is around 1million U.S dollars.
4 Questions
1. Is owning a company a very important thing to the family that Father had to invest all his life savings to the company?
2. Why is there a French Concession..was France taking over China at the time?
3. Did Joseph have any money of his own...he had money from Father and Grand Aunt?
4. Does Joseph care about anything else other than having money for his company?
3 Vocabulary
1. dreary - causing sadness or gloom
2. adjoining - being in contact at some point of line
3. infiltrated - to move into
2 Literary Terms
1. "...the young business tycoon." - metaphor
2. " dry summers and bitterly cold winters." - imagery
1 Overview
This chapter is about what was happening to the Yen family after World War I had ended and it was mostly about Joseph Yen and his company.

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