- Asher Wright is a 83 year old guy
- Nathan Hale was the 6th child in his family
- Nathan Hale was of good and middling, and most respectable
- Nathan Hale's son John attended the newly founded Harvard College
- Nathan's mother died when he was 12 and the Strongs took his education in hand
4 Questions:
- What's a Yankee soldier?
- What does "Wright could add little more to his recollections - apart from one nugget." mean?
- Is Harvard College the samething as Harvard University?
- Was Elder John Strong a pilgrim? He landed in plymouth and immigrated from England
3 Vocabulary:
1. Laquacious - talking or tending to talk much or freely
2. Diminishing - to make smaller
3. Lucidity - easily understood
2 Literary Terms:
- "...He had a large mole on his neck...." - Imagery
- " in his boyhood, his playmates sometimes twitted him about it, telling him we would be hanged" - Flashback
1 Overview:
Chapter one is about Nathan Hale and his early childhood life.
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