Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bel Canto. 10 [End!]


1. Mr. Hosokawa is thinking of Carmen, about how she taught him almost everything he needed to know...such as teaching someone how to be perfectly quiet is just not to talk.
2. Mr. Hosokawa probably had feelings for Carmen since he is thinking about all the good qualities of Carmen.
3. It is kind of ironic that Mr. Hosokawa is thinking of Carmen, because the other chapters showed that he seems to like Roxane more, and he never even thought about Carmen before.
4. Mr. Hosokawa is in love with Carmen!! =O
5. Roxane gave Cesar confident not to be shy about his singing.

4 Questions:

1. Why did all of a sudden Mr. Hosokawa turned to Carmen from Roxane?
2. Is Roxane and Cesar going to become a duet together? (Oh..nevermind...Cesar got shot and 313)
3. In the end the very last sentence: " One shot fixed them together in a pariing no one had considered before: Carmen and Mr. Hosokawa, her head just to the left of his as if she was looking over his shoulders."....does this sentence mean at the end they both died?
4. At the end of Bel Canto, everyone basically died?!

3 Vocabulary:

1. Bedlam - a scene or state of wild uproar and confusion [Im guessing similar to a melee?]
2. Meringue - a pastry
3. Concession - a controlling authority

1. "...screaming like a wild animal..." [Simile pg. 312]
2. "One shot fixed them together in a pariing no one had considered before: Carmen and Mr. Hosokawa, her head just to the left of his as if she was looking over his shoulders." [Denouement pg. 313]

1 Overview:

Terrorism became such a big problem that in the end, our main characters all did not have a happy ending...they all died in their own home.

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