Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chapter 3 Part 1 (30 pages 67- 97)


- New York had many intelligence against the English.
- Lieutenant Caleb Brewster fearsome looks is a sense of humor to some people.
- All the reports that people do on the enemy are sent to Washington.
- Caleb Brewster is the one who keeps the watch on naval transports.
- Washington and his people were not only against the English, they were also fighting with the French.

4 Questions:

- Does this have to do with America fighting for the freedom from England?
- Why does everything take place on the east coast?
- What was burnt? (page 67)
- Who was New York importing and exporting with...England?

3 Vocabulary:

1. Provision - a clause in a illegal instrument
2. Languedoc - a former province in France
3. Endeavour - make an effort

2 Literary Terms:

- " on the enemy..." - Foreshadow - they know what is going on with the enemies so they are kind of ahead and know what to do to the enemies
- "...senior commander....hulking shape..." - Imagery

1 Overview:

It is about all the lieutenants of Washington reporting back information on the enemies (English and French).

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