Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chapter 3 Part 2 (30 Pages)


- European powers conducted their activity through "Black Chambers"
- Intelligence got many ways to receive notices such as getting a mail or sliding hot wire beneath hot wax.
- British ambassador in Vienna accuses that Australia have copies of what the British are doing
- Count Kauntiz describes the British as clumsy people
- Woodhull advised Washington with plans and visions and strategies to have Great Britain acknowledge America's independence

4 Questions

- Why do the Europeans call the place a "Black Chamber"?
- Why was Australia part of what was happening with America and Great Britain?
- Does what Count Kauntiz said about the British means he is Australian?
- Is Woodhull, Washington's "intelligence"?

3 Vocabulary

1. Itemized - list the individuals
2. Countenances - expression of the face
3. Espionage - practice of spying

2 Literary Terms

- "...Woodhull being reluctant to raise suspicious by being away from Long Island for so long..." - Paradox
- "...Woodhull's grand strategic vision..." - Foreshadow - Woodhull have good plans for Washington to help gain independence

1 Overview

It is about Woodhull giving suggestions to Washington and what are beginning to think about Woodhull.

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